Kabelo Barei 's profile

Country South Africa
Born in 6'0
Date of Birth 11/06/1989
Position Defender


2024 - Current Season Matches

Date Type Match Score Min. G+A Pos
10/07/2024 L Panorama F.C. - FC Barcelona   3 - 3 80 0 +1
17/07/2024 L Randburg AFC B - Panorama F.C.   2 - 2 80 1

2024 - Current Season Competitions Stats

Competitions:     Winter League Division 3 TOT
Appearances 2 2
Minutes Played 160 160
Goals 1 1
Assist 1 1
Yellow Cards - 0
Red Cards - 0
Bench - 0

Player career (by calendar year)

Calendar Year Games Goals Assists G+A
2024 3 1 1 2

Player career (by season)

Season Games Goals Assists G+A League Games Goals Assists G+A Cup Games Goals Assists G+A
2025 (W) 2 1 1 2 Winter League Division 3 2 1 1 2 - 0 0 0 0
2023/24 (S) 1 0 0 0 Summer League Division 1 0 0 0 0 Summer League Cup 1 0 0 0
Totals 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0

Player Honours

Year League Honours
2025 Winter League
2023/24 Summer League Relegated from Division 1

Aggregate stats playing for Panorama F.C.

Appearances 3
Starting 2 (66.7%)
From the bench 1 (33.3%)
Goals 1
Last goal scored 17/07/2024   Randburg AFC B - Panorama F.C.   2 - 2 - 91 day(s) ago
Yellow Cards 0
Red Cards 0
% win percentage when played 0.0%
Best Consecutive Playing Streak 2 (17 July 2024)
Current Consecutive Playing Streak 0
Best Consecutive G+A Streak 2 (17 July 2024)
Current Consecutive G+A Streak 0

First/Last Game

First Match Played (archived) 05/06/2024   Joburg City - Panorama F.C.   4 - 1
Last Match Played 17/07/2024   Randburg AFC B - Panorama F.C.   2 - 2